IT WAS WAY TOO LONG AGO THAT I HAD BEEN LYING ON MY BACK IN THE GRASS. I had to do that again, do more. So I went. To where the wind blows, the greenery flourishes and the birds neither sow nor mow. On the way. The adventure ahead, nature ahead, the time by my side. No wonder why I came across so many memories. Scents of long ago, sounds of the past, tastes from authentic cuisines on wooden tables,... Things I almost forgot. Almost. The Camino de Santiago. I walked 800 kilometers. And above all, many questions and concerns and doubts and fears. The way turned out to be a way back and I ended up with myself. Free as a pilgrim and full of space in my mind. To pay tribute to this wonderful experience, I have made a series of paintings (watercolor and oil). The focus is not a religious one, rather metaphorical, pleasant and intimate. Has it been a long time since you were lying on your back in the grass? I painted grass. And trees. Light. Sky. Green. Canals. Creeks. Branches. Clouds. Country roads. Water. Shores. Blue. Flowers. Birds. Fields. I painted a lot, the Camino is generous.